Anxiety, Depression, Stress – herbal allies

There are various and very individual reasons for feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety.  Some are more “world-oriented”, meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, stressful and nerve-wracking, which can lead to anxiety, depression or feelings of hopelessness.  Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature.  As someone who has benefited greatly from therapy, this is what I of course would recommend first and foremost (as well as Reiki), but there are also herbal allies that can effectively help support you and your nervous system physically.

Anxiety Blend Tincture – This blend of herbs and flower essences that are well-known for their ability to reduce stress, calm anxiety, quiet nervous fear, and nervous agitation.  It is safe, gentle and can be used by anyone.  It works very quickly and provides fast results.  This product can be used as needed.  For some, especially at higher doses, it may cause drowsiness. 

Adrenal Tonic – This is a combination of adaptogenic herbs which help one cope with and adapt to stress.  It’s used for adrenal and nervous exhaustion, mental exhaustion, for those who are under chronic stress, and for those who are anxious, nervous, depressed and burned out.  It helps decrease fatigue, helps to increase energy and vitality, helps increase brain efficiency, memory, physical vitality, mental vitality and helps increase feelings of well-being. As this product is a nutritive that feeds and nourishes the adrenals, it does take time to kick in, therefore, using it each and every day (like you would a multi-vitamin) and using it over an extended period of time is recommended for best results.  NOTENOT for use by those who are pregnant or by those with high blood pressure.  Ok for breastfeeding.

Rescue Remedy –  Rescue Remedy is a flower essence blend that is extremely helpful to ease any stressful situation. Flower Essences work on the emotional body like herbs work on the physical body. It has a calming and centering effect and is useful for any upset, anxiety or trauma (either physical or emotional), including panic attacks, accidents or injuries. Rescue Remedy is useful for so many things that it is commonly referred to “911 in a bottle”!  It is safe for use by all – newborns, adults (including pregnant and nursing women), pets and plants too.  It is included in the Anxiety Blend Tincture.   

Happy Day Tincture – This is a formula used to help people dealing with depression, including pregnancy depression, Postpartum Depression (PPD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or any kind of depression, sorrow or sadness. The blend contains organic Rose herbal tincture, and a proprietary blend of flower essences of Elm, Gentian, Gorse, Larch, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut and Wild Rose, with gem/crystal essences. Each is noted in its ability to gently and effectively lift and alleviate feelings of depression. Although it can be used by anyone, this product was created for use by pregnant and nursing mothers. The Happy Day tincture has been described as bringing Light into the Soul.

If you’re suffering from anxiety, stress, depression and emotional upset, you may also be experiencing sleeplessness or insomnia.  Stress, depression and anxiety can certainly do that!  Please see Sleep Remedies – Natural Herbal Solutions for Sleep, Relaxation, Anxiety & Insomnia for a list of herbs and herbal products that can help you relax, get to sleep, and stay asleep.  As a side note, some clients who have extreme anxiety find that the Goodnight Combo Tincture works really well at calming their anxiety.  Because of the extra adrenaline in the body during anxiety or panic episodes, the tincture tends to not make them sleepy at those times but calms them instead.  When they’re calmer, then they use the tincture at night, when it does make them sleepy.  Everyone’s bodies and situations can all be very different. It’s a matter of finding the right herb for you.

Please seek professional help if your situation feels overwhelming, isn’t getting any better, or if you’re having a hard time coping. Therapy is vitally important and is necessary in determining the cause and root origin of your situation.  Once a cause is determined, healing and feeling better are the natural result.  The herbs can also help and are fantastic to use along with therapy, as they will help your body adapt to the changes and will help alleviate any anxiety you may experience.  Doing this type of a program helps to address the difficulty on a holistic level, including body, mind, and spirit.

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