

The information on this website and the information provided by Rev. Pam Caldwell have not been evaluated by and are not approved by the FDA and is for informational and educational use only.

Rev. Pam Caldwell’s services and the information and suggestions that she may provide are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure disease or any other health issue, nor are they meant to replace or deny any advice from any other medical professional or doctor.

Rev. Pam Caldwell and Healing & Empowerment will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its services or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will.

By paying money and purchasing Rev. Pam Caldwell’s services, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information.


We require 24 hours notice of any change or cancellation to your scheduled appointment. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of any monies paid. You may easily and quickly change, cancel or reschedule your appointment with Rev. Pam Caldwell from the appointment confirmation email you received upon booking.


We have taken important steps to ensure that your personal and payment information is secure and that your privacy is respected.

Pam Caldwell and Healing & Empowerment will never sell, trade, distribute or share customer information, such name, e-mail address, phone number, mailing address or any part of our customer’s information.

Here’s what we do with the information you provide:


We track what pages are being accessed by our visitors in order to determine what information we are providing is helpful and what is not. With this information, we can adjust our website to better serve our clients.


We use your e-mail address to contact you about your appointment and to notify you about special sales, promotions or classes that may be of interest to you. You always have the choice to opt-out of these notifications at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link near the bottom of the newsletter or by emailing Healing & Empowerment via our contact form. We will use your phone number to send you text messages to remind you of your appointment time or any changes to your appointment. We will only call you if we need to reach you quickly about your appointment.


The credit card information you provide when ordering is used to bill you for services provided by Pam Caldwell. Your credit card information is encrypted with the latest SSL technology. Upon placement of your order, the credit card processing company checks the information you give against information they have on file for you, along with many other fraud checks to ensure your credit card security. An email will then be immediately sent to you outlining your order and the amount your card has been charged. Healing & Empowerment is not given any of your credit card information, including the number or even what type of card was used, when being notified of your order details. The credit card information is kept private and secure with our credit card processing company. We do not your store credit card information.