Anxiety, Depression, Stress – herbal allies
| Pam Caldwell
There are various and very individual reasons for feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety. Some are more “world-oriented”, meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, stressful and nerve-wracking, which can lead to anxiety, depression or feelings of hopelessness. Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature. As ...
Even though they’re little, babies are people too.
| Pam Caldwell
Research has shown that babies are very aware while in the womb, at birth, and even before conception. Babies are “full-grown souls” living in a small body. The soul of the baby integrates with the physical body at some point during gestation (it’s different for them all), and can even go in and out of ...
Journal entry from my Reiki attunement day
| Pam Caldwell
This is a 333, the sign that Jesus is with me and helping me – of course. As always! I knew I was being helped and guided along this path. After my attunement and a period of meditation and rest, I got up and looked out my window to see 3 deer peacefully feeding in ...
Two sides of the same coin. Connections with the Other Side.
| Pam Caldwell
Birth is the event through which a soul comes onto the planet for his or her next adventure and experience. Death is the leaving of that body to go back home to the other side, or spirit world, or heaven. Two sides of the same coin indeed. I spent a month there at my grandfather’s ...